Email templates

Email templates

You can create email templates that will be sent to your crew or admin either manually or automatically. 
To create an email template, go to Settings - Email templates.
Create a new template by clicking the button.

Give the template a name as well as a subject line. 
Important in the first step is to enter a reply-to address here to make sure that any email being replied to by a user will end up in the correct email inbox. Click Save.

The ADMIN tab is used to decide who will receive this email if being sent to an administrator.


Tags can be used in email templates to fill out dynamic content.

General fields

First Name - First name of the receiver of the email
Last Name - Last name of the receiver of the email

Admin fields

Admin First Name - First name of the admin set in the email template
Admin Last Name - Last name of the admin set in the email template

Record fields

Record Name - Name of the record that has triggered the email
Record Description - Record description of the record that has triggered the email
Record Expiry Date - Current expiry date of the record that has triggered the email

LMS fields

Name of LMS - The LMS used to update a record that has triggered the email
Course Name (in LMS) - The course that is connected for a record that has triggered the email

Task fields

Task title - The main task title (Submitted form for example)
Task subtitle - The subtitle of a task (OPC Form for example)
Task creator short name - The short name of a user that created the task. (The instructor that submitted a form for example)
Task creator full name - The full name of a user that created the task. (The instructor that submitted a form for example)
Short name of crew that the task applies to - The crew that was used in a form for example
Full name of crew that the task applies to - The crew that was used in a form for example
Task date - The date of when the task was created
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