It is possible to have crew fields automatically filled from planned events. Select option that is suitable for the specific field if you want to use events to fill out the crew fields.
The Crew List element
The Crew List element is intended to be used when you want to use a form as an attendance list. This element will add a dynamic crew list to the form where 1-50 crew can be selected.
Menu item
Form builder view
Edit view
Field name
Give the element a name.
This is an automatic field that is not possible to change.
Select the roles here. Only crew that have the selected roles will be able to select when filling out the form. Use CTRL+Click on Windows or CMD+Click on a MAC to mark more than one role.
Select if attendees signatures shall be required or not.
If this is checked, the selected crew member will not get his/her record updated based on the form submission. The most common use case for this is when you have one or more crews that are being checked by an examiner. The examiner should not have his/her record updated, so for the examiner crew field, the check box should be checked.
It is possible to have crew fields automatically filled from planned events. Select option that is suitable for the specific field if you want to use events to fill out the crew fields.
The aircraft element
Will display a drop down in the form with all tail numbers.
Menu item
Form builder view
Edit view
Field name
Give the element a name.
This is an automatic field that is not possible to change.
Set the size of the element.
Make the field required by checking the box.
The aircraft type element
Will display a drop down in the form with all aircraft types entered under the aircraft module.
Form builder view
Edit view
Field name
Give the element a name.
This is an automatic field that is not possible to change.
Set the size of the element.
Make the field required by checking the box.
The separator element
The separator element can be used to make forms more clarity by dividing it into sections. It can also be useful when using various sizes of elements and they don't align in the best of ways. Then a separator below those blocks can be useful in order to start from scratch below the separator.
Edit view
Set the size of the element.