All update that you perform on a record will also be added to the record history. This means that you can always access previously updated documents related to a record. The last updated record will always show on the top of the list.
The information icons provides useful information about the record update.
Document icon: Opens the document that was used when the record row was updated.
Person icon: Shows which user performed the record update and when. Hover the mouse pointer over the icon to see this information
Talking bubble: Shows the information that was entered if a history row was deleted.
Sync statuses
The upwards pointing arrow shows the sync status of a record to third party planning systems when hovering over the icon.
Remove an update
If you perform an update that is incorrect, first make the update again to get it correct. Thereafter press the trashcan do cross out the incorrect update. You can write a reason for the deletion in the popup if you prefer. This will then be shown on the record row together with the deleted update.
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